I'm having a conversation with an acquaintance tomorrow who just went to CPAC and seems to think they are all in upside-down world. I agree with him on a couple of his points but am mostly going to need to counter him on a lot of them. He noted in a recent Medium piece on his visit to CPAC that he encountered a lot of Orwellian language. I'm thinking have you not been listening to your own side, but I'm also forgetting a lot of the particular instances in which we have seen that take place. Could you guys help me think of some good instances?
Hi everyone, I haven't been active in Solid Ground for a while, but I am still alive and kicking! I now work as personal assistant to a mind-bendingly weird and diva-esque artist-lip-syncher-performer named Fiona Blueberry. She is blissfully clueless about politics and seems to be completely unaware of the culture wars. Working with her is a breath of fresh air. If you need a mood lift, I encourage you to watch this video we made together. Happy 4th, everyone! Wishing you fun/love/peace on this holiday. :) www.fionablueberry.com
Found this last night. Today it reminded me of the small convo in Sunday group about this of us being seen as a a threat/pariah for our actions. I also think about Family Systems therapy where it is believed that families has dysfunctional anxieties that have been normalized and considered "safe". Once one steps away from this, the normalization/mean is thrown out of equilibrium.
I would argue that those who "step away" lean in the direction of life and its attendant risks.
Interesting responses in applying his argument to woke culture....
I found this conversation Megyn had with Alvin Liu of Courage Is a Habit quite concerning.