Solid Ground
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
As somebody who suffered from increasingly totalitarian "woke" ideology in my former workplace, I understand how critical regular "reality checks" are. This community is for people who wish to engage with each other and create a community of support to help make sense out of the chaos.
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January 05, 2025

Shadow Work - the Prerequisite to Disclosure

@Raymond_Mikal recently posted two links to videos about UFO disclosure. One, a lengthy and at times repetitive edit of conversations between Gregg Braden and John Peterson ( The other, an interview with Steven Greer on Redacted ( May I suggest pairing these two, and see if the following makes sense?

In the Braden/Peterson conversation, one of the points featured is that Peterson's team at Arlington Institute came up with 38 scenarios of disclosure, and only 2 or 3 do not result in civilization driving off a cliff.

In the interview with Greer, a significant detail is that the leadership at the center of secret black budget development of UFO tech deliberately screen for psycho-/sociopathic personalities to be admitted into the deeper ranks. He points out that most people find it impossibly difficult to attempt to contemplate the mindset of the truly evil.

The combination of these two points from the two interviews indicates to me that in order to break the disclosure barrier, there first must be a critical mass of individuals willing and able to cease projecting evil onto others with whom they disagree, and instead to look within with complete honesty to take ownership and responsibility for all that we harbor inside ourselves, even if it is not expressed.

To paraphrase Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, "The line between good and evil runs through the heart of every person."

Posts by @Raymond_Mikal:

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Crowdsourcing some Orwellian things coming out of the left

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March 05, 2025
Case in Tumwater, WA

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Here is the letter FAIR wrote to the Office of Civil Rights asking them to investigate this case:

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