Jennifer Bilek | Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA?
Everything that Bilek says here - as the results of her "follow the money" research - confirms what I have intuitively suspected for a couple of years now, namely, that transgenderism - disguised in the sheep's clothing or LGB rights - is actually a grooming phase towards the normalization of transhumanism - the wholesale replacement of natural processes by technology.
My take? The Ahrimanic forces want us to deny our Divinity, that our souls may become trapped in matter indefinitely, like flies in amber.
Hi everyone, I haven't been active in Solid Ground for a while, but I am still alive and kicking! I now work as personal assistant to a mind-bendingly weird and diva-esque artist-lip-syncher-performer named Fiona Blueberry. She is blissfully clueless about politics and seems to be completely unaware of the culture wars. Working with her is a breath of fresh air. If you need a mood lift, I encourage you to watch this video we made together. Happy 4th, everyone! Wishing you fun/love/peace on this holiday. :)
If you aren't already familiar with this horrendous situation or haven't watched this interview hosted by the guys at Triggernometry, you can watch it here. The interviewee used to attend Counterweight groups David hosted.
I have my own critiques and concerns about some in MAGA, but I found this tweet likely to contain a decent amount of psychological projection or willful ignorance (perhaps from staying in a Blue bubble).
4/ MAGA is fascist nihilism with a side of kleptocratic oligarchy. It's a kakistocracy. It's defined and consumed by deceit, cruelty, disinformation, envy, willful ignorance, violence, an animalistic will to power, a penchant for anarchy and hatred of all things decent and just.